If you do not see the windows with booked or free dates, type the address: rezervace.lostexit.cz/rezervace/cz/zvlastni-skola.
The game is not suitable for children under 12 years of age and children under 15 years of age can only play accompanied by an adult!
In case of reservation less than 24 hours before the date of the game, it is necessary to verify this reservation by phone!
If you happen to make a decision at the last minute (change of date, cancellation of reservation), let us know on the phone number 773 996 820 – we will try to accommodate you if possible.
After making a reservation, you should automatically receive a confirmation mail. If you do not come by chance, we recommend that you verify the reservation by phone at 773 996 820.
The price for a group of 2 players is 1550, -CZK and the price for a group of 3-4 players is 1890, -CZK and the price for a group of 5-6 players is 2190, -CZK.
The game itself lasts 80 minutes.